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Images from the Liberty Hill Strike of 1923 in San Pedro

San Pedro Court House where IWW strikers were jailed during the 1923 maritime strike. Jailings inspired Upton Sinclair to write his play, "The Singing Jailbirds." The building was demolished in the late 1920s.

Images courtesy of California Historian, a publication of the Conference of California Historical Societies, Vol. 44, #3, Spring 1998, University of Pacific, Stockton, California.




Liberty Hill, circa April or May 1923. Right background shows Terminal Island and then Southwestern Shipyard (forerunner to Bethlehem). The speaker on platform at left has been identified by Bob Bigelow as fellow worker F.W.Yelovich.



Images of Some Strikers:

Mae Sundstedt, 13, her legs badly scalded with boiling coffee by the raiders in the June 14 attack.

Bob Bigelow during the 1923 struggle.

Paul Ware in February 1975 as interviewed.