We all are of the rabble
Submitted on Mon, 11/14/2005 - 12:28am
In front of the violence of a State which against the poverty sends us only a pile cops;
In front of a State which for three decades has promised a Marshall plan to us, for the zones of poverty conveniently called suburbs;
In front of the violence of a State obeying only the mere desires of MEDEF [Employer's association], eager to cut down a little more each day, our last social rights;
In front of a State only responsible for the tensions via its Minister of Interior Department who managed the conflicts of the post offices [Bordeaux July of 2005] and the SNCM [marine transport towards Corsica, Marseilles October of 2005] by its GIGN [ Intervention Group of the National Gendarmerie] which does not stop swiping thousands of illegal immigrants;
The "republican start" of the government is a takeover with military accents and bitterness of war of Algeria, against us, workers, precarious, unemployed and "young people".
The CNT denounces the decree of application of the curfew answering by no means, once again, at the requests of social justice of the population.
With the exploiteurs, never!
With exploited, always!
CNT, Le Bureau Régional Région Parisienne, 8-XI-2005.