Industrial Workers of the World - Houston IWW en Houston IWW wins first campaign; a multi-worker fight against a remodeling contractor <p><b>Press Release</b><b> - <a href="" target="_blank">Houston IWW</a>, August 11, 2015<br /> </b></p> <p>We won!!</p> <p>The fight against Felipe Serna has concluded.&nbsp; Serna wrote a check to Hector, Pancho, and Mauricio which was promptly cashed this morning.</p> <p>After our letter delivery, folks will recall that we organized a phone blast of The Growing Tree daycare and Felipe&rsquo;s cell.&nbsp; It was very effective; his phone didn&rsquo;t stop ringing and he was in tears begging for mercy.&nbsp; But when the calls ceased, his verbal commitment to settling turned into indignation as he failed to follow through and after a few days texted us an image of his &ldquo;lawyer&rsquo;s&rdquo; business card, the second attorney he had threatened us with.</p> <p>So we got indignant too and last night covered the surrounding neighborhood of The Growing Tree with &ldquo;Wanted for Wage Theft&rdquo; posters with his image prominently on the front.&nbsp; We made sure to leave one on the front door of the daycare.&nbsp; The next morning he wrote a check.</p> <p>This is an important first victory for the Houston IWW and we couldn&rsquo;t have done it without your support.&nbsp; Thanks to the folks who showed up at the ass crack of dawn for the demand delivery and thanks to the many people who participated in the phone blast.</p> <p>While we can&rsquo;t know if Serna will steal wages again, he will certainly consider the costs.&nbsp; And that is what we want every employer in Houston to do; consider that there are forces that they will have to contend with when they steal from labor-power.</p> <p>We also know that to seriously challenge wage theft and to build workers power, we need an active and fighting working class, something we cannot create by sheer will.&nbsp; Instead, we do what we can with the resources we have until that becomes a general condition.&nbsp; In addition to fighting on the job, we need to fight against Adrian Garcia, the police, and ICE, we need to organize with detainees against incarceration, we need to defend our homes and neighborhoods from landlords and banks, we need to fight the grassroots Right and&nbsp;the fascists among them, we need to fight against racist school boards and curriculum, etc.</p> <p>The IWW is committed to fighting against all of these forces.&nbsp; An injury to one is an injury all!!</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Houston IWW Sex Trade Workers Industrial Union 690 Mon, 17 Aug 2015 02:22:27 +0000 x344543 8773 at The fight against Felipe Serna and wage theft in Houston <p><b>By The Houston IWW Solidarity Network - <a href="" target="_blank">Houston IWW</a>, July 29, 2015</b></p> <p>The Houston IWW is engaged in a fight with a local contractor, Felipe Serna, responsible for wage theft of three former employees: Hector, Pancho, and Mauricio.&nbsp; These three men were hired by Felipe Serna in May of 2015 for the remodeling of a house in Sweeny, Texas.&nbsp; They were offered $150/day each for their services and provided room and board at the house.&nbsp; Several days in Serna decides $150 is too much and instead wants to pay them $100/day instead.&nbsp; The men held their ground, stating $150 was the agreed upon wage, and Serna backed off.</p> <p>While at work one day, Serna tells the men he is letting them go.&nbsp; The men ask for payment for the previous three days of labor and Serna refuses, accusing them of stealing equipment.&nbsp; To add insult to injury, Hector, Pancho, and Mauricio weren&rsquo;t driven back to Houston, but told to make their own way.&nbsp; It cost them $100 total for them to get transportation back to the city.</p> <p>Serna and his actions are not an isolated event nor is he an employer that is merely a &ldquo;bad apple that spoils the bunch.&rdquo;&nbsp; In fact, Serna is representative of a social force that is exploiting immigrant labor in Houston and in this country.&nbsp; In fact, $750 million in wages are stolen each year in Houston alone!&nbsp; Despite a recent ordinance passed in Houston to curb wage theft, it hasn&rsquo;t stopped it nor could it.&nbsp; The reality is that Houston capitalists depend on wage theft to maintain existing profit rates and the social hierarchy.&nbsp; This exploitation is backed by a racist Sheriff&rsquo;s office run by Adrian Garcia that complies with 287g, Secure Communities, a program of collaboration between the police and ICE to deport and detain immigrants.</p> <p>In the spirit of this perspective, on Friday, July 24th, the Houston IWW with Hector and Pancho marched to The Growing Tree Academy, a daycare facility in the Gulfton area of Houston to deliver demands to Serna, owned by his wife&rsquo;s family.&nbsp; Because contractors often operate in the shadows, working from their homes and vehicles, they are difficult to track down.&nbsp; Hector read the demand letter in the presence of our union to the staff who kept interrupting him and declaring they have nothing to do with what happened.&nbsp; Serna wasn&rsquo;t there but showed up later when most of us had left to say he wanted to talk and he was instructed to follow up on the letter.</p> <p><strong>We are demanding $1,450 in stolen wages including $100 for transportation.</strong></p> <p>Hector, Pancho, and Mauricio aren&rsquo;t afraid of these employer thugs who prey on working class people.&nbsp; And neither is the IWW.&nbsp; Work itself is theft.&nbsp; But to steal the little subsistence we are given to reproduce ourselves and our families is despicable.&nbsp; The only way to deal with bosses like Serna is to organize together and fight together.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Houston IWW Household Service Workers Industrial Union 680 Wed, 05 Aug 2015 00:34:02 +0000 x344543 8768 at