Submitted on Wed, 05/09/2007 - 3:57am
Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007 - At 11am, the Chicago Couriers Union (IWW, IU540) rolled up to 135 South LaSalle Street (between Monroe and Adams) with, signs, fliers, and union flags for a spirited 3-hour informational picket against the security policies of the building, which is managed by Jones Lang LaSalle. Last fall, union members had written letters and had over 100 bike messengers sign a petition, in hopes of having the policy changed and to have a messenger center installed, only to be given the run-around by building management.
In this and many other buildings downtown, messengers must endure humiliating and time-consuming security procedures to simply do their jobs: entering through a loading dock, leaving their bags (as if they're criminals), and waiting for a freight elevator (rather than just taking passenger elevators through the lobby), and often taking abuse from security guards. Forcing messengers into this mess can take 15-20 minutes, costs customers money, costs messengers money, results in a loss of productivity across the industry, and is just plain Not Cool with most bikers working downtown, who are paid on commission per delivery.
Two messengers held the picket for its duration, and several fellow messengers, plus a member of the local IWW General Membership Branch, spent time holding signs and handing out fliers to fellow workers, employees in the building, and other passersby. The picket covered the front and back entrances, plus both entrances of the alley leading into the loading dock. Hundreds of fliers were distributed, containing information about the grievance.
Submitted on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 2:18pm
IWW members in Chicago, and a friend from Teamsters Local 705, leafleted half-a-dozen Starbucks locations in downtown Chicago on Friday, 24 November as part of the international day of solidarity with Starbucks Workers Union. We distributed about 900 leaflets in a couple of hours and made contact with a number of baristas. Hopefully these contacts will get in touch with our SWU organizing committee and the start we've made at the Logan Square store will expand to other locations. Solidarity Forever!
Submitted on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 4:15pm
IWW Barista Joe Tessone and University of Illinois Professor Bob Bruno comment on the expansion of the Starbucks Workers Union to Chicago. Watch online at
Submitted on Tue, 09/05/2006 - 4:08am
By Ron Grossman - Chicago Tribune, September 4, 2006.
In the city of its birth, and 101 years later, the Industrial Workers of the World is still trying to strike a blow for the working class.
Just ahead of Labor Day, baristas at the Starbucks in Logan Square told management that they wanted to be represented by the IWW. A veteran of battles that once made the union movement a major force in American life, the IWW has been largely moribund recently.
Starbucks' management was ready for the faceoff, which occurred during a periodic meeting of employees and managers at the giant coffee merchant's store at 2759 W. Logan Blvd., some workers reported. Corporate honchos would not accept employee demands and handed out copies of the preamble to the IWW's constitution in an effort to discredit the union.
Submitted on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 1:54am
First Group of Baristas Outside of New York City Joins the IWW Starbucks Workers Union
Chicago, IL- Baristas at Chicago’s Logan Square Starbucks store announced last night their membership in the IWW Starbucks Workers Union (, becoming the first U.S. workers outside of New York City to declare union membership at the world's largest coffee chain.
Workers served Starbucks management at the café, located on 2759 W Logan Blvd., with a declaration of union membership and a set of demands including a living wage, guaranteed work hours, reinstatement of IWW baristas fired for organizing activity, and respect for an independent voice on the job through union membership.