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Marine Workers Industrial Union 510

All workers engaged in marine transportation. All workers on docks and in terminals.

Who We Are:

We are members of the Industrial Workers of the World who work in the maritime industry. Our organization is open to all workers engaged in marine transportation and all workers on docks and in terminals, including sailors, deckhands, marine firemen, engineers, cooks, longshoremen, shipclerks, vessel planners, janitors, office workers, and everybody who works for a marine industry employer in any capacity.

Our goal is to build unity between all workers in maritime, regardless of our occupation, seniority, card level, union membership, or what other unions we belong to. We aim to assist and complement other unions efforts to defend workers' rights, to take action where they can't due to anti-union laws, to organize the unorganized, to educate workers as to their rights, and to defend the gains of workers in our industry that were won over a century of struggle.

We believe that we must build strong ties to workers engaged in building and repairing ships, boats, and small harbor craft, and all drydock workers who are eligible to organize into Ship Builders Industrial Union 320 of the IWW.

Waterfront and seafaring workers are under a viscious, sustained attack by the bosses in the shipping and ship building industry that can only be overcome by building one big union of all workers in the industry.

Contact Us

  • email: intexile [at]

Email List

IWW Members working in this industry are encouraged and invited to join the email list for Industrial Department 500 at [email protected]