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‘Unfair Labor Practice’ at the Forest Hill Crossroads Coffee & Ice Cream

An ‘Unfair Labor Practice’ has been filed with the National Labor Relations Board against Crossroads Coffee & Ice Cream in Richmond, Virginia for a violation of an employee’s right to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid and protection, as found in Sec. 7. [§ 157.] of the National Labor Relations Act.

On Jun 8, 2011, Holly L., a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), was terminated after sending an email, a common form of communication, to management and staff.  The email addressed Crossroads owner Will Herring’s failure to close and lock up the establishment, forcing employees to wait for his arrival well after the end of their shift. This incident is one in a pattern of disrespectful behavior by Mr. Herring towards employees. While individual attempts were made by employees to address the problem, their failure led to the decision that collective action was the logical step towards resolving the issue.

Our intention is not to suggest a boycott of the establishment; rather, we want to join concerned workers and customers in sending a message to management and other Richmond employers that exploitation will not be tolerated. Members of the Industrial Workers of the World firmly believe that all employers, large and small, must respect the rights of its employees — including the right to an open and safe environment where employee concerns can be addressed without the fear of retaliation. If this simple demand can not be met, the working class will respond as necessary.

Richmond General Membership Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World