Madison IWW & May 1st strike
Submitted on Tue, 04/25/2006 - 8:39pm
Building off the massive turnout at the April 10th immigrant rights rally in Madison, the Madison General Membership Branch of the IWW will be supporting the call for a General Strike call by the Latino/a community.
Madison IWW members will be working towards turning out as many folks as they can for the convergence on the State Capitol, to be held at 12:00 noon, May 1st. To facilitate this, the branch will be encouraging all local IWW jobshops to close their doors on that day. Two collectivly owned businesses with IWW members, the Madison Infoshop and Two Degrees Coffeshop, have already indicated their support.
The Madison IWW will be urging other workers to call in sick, take a personal day, or whatever, so that "business/terrorism as usual" does not continue. They are hoping to have a visable presence in the May 1st march and rally and have already printed General Strike posters, as well as a flyer with the May Day resolution of the IWW General Executive Board in Spanish and English. Their overaching theme will be: "No Borders, No States."