Greek Solidarity Demo in Chicago - 5/13/2010
Submitted on Wed, 06/09/2010 - 2:32pm
Originally posted here
To friends and comrades in Greece,
On Thursday, May 13 a dozen of us held a demonstration against the Greek Consulate in Chicago. We want to remind you that even in the most difficult times, you have the active solidarity of uncounted others around the world. A vast subversive project is still taking shape everywhere, however slowly, and your struggle is one node among many.
Repression may be raging against you there, and our numbers here might be small, but the important thing to remember is that you've found your resonance. This resonance spreads around the world, laying foundations for real connections and the deepening of struggles.
Our goal is to make material the interconnections, to spread a concrete practice of support and solidarity. We are inspired by your example in this, so our banner read: "Athens to Chicago - Fire to all prisons, freedom for all prisoners." Our words and chants dedicated this demonstration in particular to the anarchist prisoners in Greece (the 6, Christos and Alfredo, Yiannis, among many others), and those killed in the struggle (Lambros and Katerina among many others).
We want freedom as soon as possible for these imprisoned comrades and for the anarchist prisoners here, but one day soon too, we will share across wide oceans the acute pleasure of shaking to bits every prison and every confinement. We also, of course, made reference to the recent riots, tragedy, and repression, and extend our greetings to everyone in struggle against austerity measures imposed by State-Capital.
To the Greek state, It is possible that by your vicious repression, your manipulations, and the desperate EU bailout you may yet briefly extend your existence. But the game will be over, sooner or later - we will lay low your whole world and eradicate exchange and domination in all their forms.
--Anarchists in Chicago:
Also: Various groups of comrades came together for the demo. A member of the Industrial Workers of the World read the following statement:
The International Solidarity Commission (ISC) of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) supports the workers in struggle in Greece and their strike actions in opposition to the threat of "austerity measures" by the Greek government, who claim those measures are needed to stop the country from bankruptcy. We are encouraged to see workers across Greece take a stand against the government's gamble with their livelihoods and exploitation of their labour. They have taken to the streets, and stopped working in a visible and powerful refusal to pay for the mess of the banks and financial speculators.
Rather then acquiesce to the official lie of a nation united in necessary sacrifice for the common good, they have exposed that the working class are not the cause of the crisis. We will not suffer for it. As the slogan goes, in Greece and elsewhere, we won't pay for their crisis! As one of the first countries threatening such wide-sweeping cuts, and in turn verging on bankruptcy in this crisis, the protests of workers in Greece are for us all.
As governments across the world respond to the current recession, a fruit of the unfettered gambling by capitalists with the wealth of the earth and the labour of workers everywhere, by further cutting into the subsistence and rights of the working class, we are glad to express our solidarity with the workers of Greece.
We are grateful to them for refusing to comply with the lie of "austerity" measures, which amount to the demand of a sacrifice by the poor for the benefit of the rich and for continuing to take a brave stand in the face of police repression.
In the hope that their struggle, which is also a struggle for workers everywhere, may continue and succeed, the IWW aim to lend our support, by action in solidarity, where it is within our grasp to do so, in our firm knowledge that 'an injury to one is an injury to all'.
In Solidarity, The ISC of the IWW